
Tears of Sadness: Seven Tiny Puppies Found Alone and Abandoned


by Emily Wolfe


In a perfect world, every dog ​​would have a warm home with a loving family, and every puppy would be nestled safely in their mother’s embrace. Sadly, our reality is far from perfect.

We witness abandoned dogs daily, along with mothers struggling to care for their puppies on the streets. Yet, the most heartbreaking sight is when these little furry creatures are deprived of their mother’s love when they need it the most.

This sorrowful scene unfolded for one compassionate man when he discovered seven abandoned puppies by the roadside. The desperate look in their eyes shattered his heart, compelling him to seek help immediately.

Meaningful Rescue Mission

abandoned puppies 2

Photo Credit: happytailshelter

As soon as the rescuers from Happy Tails Shelter received the Good Samaritan’s call about the abandoned puppies, they rushed to the scene. Upon arrival, they couldn’t hold back their tears at the sight of the seven helpless babies heartlessly discarded on the street. The puppies had no food, water, or warmth. They clung to each other, their love keeping them alive in these harsh conditions, without their mother or anyone else to protect them.

To make matters worse, the rescuers discovered there were initially eight puppies; tragically, one had passed away. Despite their devastation, they had to act quickly. These experienced rescuers knew the puppies’ health was at great risk if they remained there. Gently, one by one, they gathered the puppies into their arms and brought them to safety.

Finally, the puppies were on their way to a safer place, with better days ahead.

Sun After Rain

cute puppies in cage

Photo Credit: happytailshelter

While driving to the Happy Tails Shelter, the rescuers noticed smiles returning to the puppies’ faces. They had finally met their saviors and now knew they were in safe hands. Upon arrival at the shelter, the puppies were placed together in a crate. Though there was no mother to rely on, they were surrounded by kind souls ready to provide everything they needed and shower them with love.

Despite all the difficulties, brighter days were beginning to dawn for these little ones. However, this is just a temporary solution. These puppies still await their happy ending.

We believe it’s only a matter of days before they find their forever homes because, after the rain, the sun always comes, and these little ones have been looking at gray clouds for far too long.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!