
A Brave Woman’s Tender Rescue of a Pit Bull Near the Tracks


by Emily Wolfe


It’s heartbreaking to witness a dog in distress, especially when you feel powerless to help. Unfortunately, many of these loyal companions endure harsh conditions, struggling to survive without proper care and shelter.

Meme, a compassionate woman from Los Angeles, couldn’t turn a blind eye when she saw a terrified Pit Bull wandering near the train tracks. This poor dog was clearly malnourished and desperately needed help, but her fear kept her from approaching Meme.

Determined to make a difference, Meme devised a plan.

A Moment of Connection

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Photo Credit: @mahgentaa

The Pit Bull stood by the train tracks for a long time, too scared to come closer. Her eyes reflected a world of sadness, and her frail body told a story of hardship.

Meme made several attempts to get closer, but the dog remained hesitant. Then, she had an idea – a simple sandwich. Meme placed the food near the tracks and hid behind a nearby building, hoping to gain the dog’s trust.

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Photo Credit: @mahgentaa

In that pivotal moment, the Pit Bull sensed that Meme was there to help. Slowly, she lifted her head and cautiously walked towards the sandwich. With a few kind words and a gentle touch, the scared dog began to transform. Her tail started to wag, and she even rolled over, inviting Meme for some belly rubs.

Meme realized she couldn’t leave her behind. “Something kept me from leaving. It was as if I could not physically move away,” Meme shared on TikTok. She took the dog to her car, and together they drove towards a better future.

A New Beginning

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Photo Credit: @mahgentaa

Whether this sweet girl was abandoned or simply lost remains unknown, but what matters now is her safety. Meme introduced the Pit Bull to her family, and the dog quickly felt at home, especially bonding with Meme’s mom.

Now, she has a cozy bed to rest in, a stark contrast to her days of hardship. Meme and her family are grateful to have been able to help, knowing the dog wouldn’t have survived alone.

Hoping to reunite her with her original family, they posted her pictures on social media. “Baby girl has been posted on all missing pet platforms, but no one has claimed her yet,” Meme wrote on TikTok.

Awaiting a Forever Home

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Photo Credit: @mahgentaa

Until her rightful owners are found, or she gets adopted into a loving home, this resilient Pit Bull will stay with Meme in Los Angeles. She is already more relaxed and comfortable but still needs a permanent home filled with love.

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Photo Credit: @mahgentaa

After all she’s been through, she deserves nothing less than unconditional love and care.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!