Being a dog owner is not an easy task. It requires constant effort and dedication. In return, you get the best friend you could ask for. This is why not everyone should have a dog. If people do not have the patience to care for their furry friend, they shouldn’t adopt one.
In this story, we will talk about a dog who was cruelly abandoned by his previous owners and left inside a doghouse.
Bo’s Horrible Condition

Photo Credit: TheDodo
When Bo was first found by the Street Dog Rescue in Oklahoma, he had numerous health issues that needed urgent attention. His owners had cruelly left him behind in a doghouse, and he had been alone ever since.
Faith, one of the rescuers, told The Dodo: “Bo was actually attacked by coyotes. He was never taken to a vet or even before that. He just had mange all over him.” They gave him some food, and it was clear he hadn’t eaten in days. From his interactions with the rescuers, Faith knew that all he wanted was someone to love him.
After that, he went inside his doghouse and refused to come out. The rescuers realized they would have to pull him out. They managed to get him out, only for him to crawl under the house. Faith and the crew tried to pull him out gently again, but he wouldn’t budge.
It took them roughly 45 minutes to get Bo out from under the house. Faith said: “Finally, we were able to get him out. He actually ended up with the rescue, Pyr Paws and Fluffy Tails.”
Bo’s Road To Happiness

Photo Credit: TheDodo
On his road to recovery, Bo was taken to a veterinarian clinic in Oklahoma, where he received treatment for his mange and food to help him gain weight. When his new mom, Patricia, saw his picture for the first time, she was shocked by his appearance. She said: “He looked so terrible I didn’t even think he was a dog.”
However, as time went on, Bo’s condition improved, and he began to look a lot healthier. A few months later, he was a completely changed dog. The rescuers knew he deserved a good owner, and Patricia felt she was up to the task because she had worked with rescue dogs before.
Even though he was in his new home, Bo didn’t quite get used to it right away. Patricia said: “It took maybe six months for him to really realize that this was his home.” That, too, changed with time, as he became the happiest dog who loves exploring his surroundings.
She continues by saying: “I just love him and I’m very happy I got him.” It’s wonderful that Bo got a new chance to live his life. Even though he was reserved around new people because of his abandonment, Patricia’s kindness showed him that he was safe and loved in her home.