A woman came across a puppy needing a home on a Facebook adoption page. But the tale took a bittersweet turn when she went back for the puppy’s sister.
Instead of a joyful reunion, Wrenatha was horrified by the sight of Lovey’s sister. The poor pup was in terrible condition, clearly malnourished.
Could the story of these two sisters have a happy ending? Was Wrenatha too late?
A Severely Emaciated Puppy Sister

Photo Credit: We_Love_Animals
While browsing Facebook, Wrenatha stumbled upon a group in Ohio dedicated to rehoming pets. She found a nine-week-old puppy, whom she later named Lovey, looking for a new home.
The woman rehoming Lovey said she couldn’t handle both puppies and needed to give one up. Being an experienced dog owner, Wrenatha eagerly welcomed Lovey into her home.
Lovey quickly adjusted, displaying healthy, playful behavior. However, she needed a playmate. Wrenatha’s senior dogs were uninterested in playing with Lovey, prompting her to contact the original owner to adopt Lovey’s sister.
The woman agreed to the adoption and arranged a meeting in a parking lot. When Wrenatha arrived, she noticed something odd: the woman was clutching Noodle tightly in her arms and quickly handed her over before driving off.
What Wrenatha saw broke her heart. Noodle was in horrific condition, severely emaciated. The previous owner claimed Noodle had skipped a few meals due to being a picky eater. However, it was clear the pup had missed far more than a couple of meals—she could barely stand!
Wrenatha rushed Noodle to the vet, who diagnosed her with worms despite the previous owner’s claim of deworming. Worse still, Noodle had infected paws from standing in her own filth and bent legs from prolonged crate confinement—a clear sign of neglect.
Was Wrenatha too late to save this puppy and give her a loving home?
Noodle and Lovey, Forever Together

Photo Credit: We_Love_Animals
Good news emerged from Wrenatha’s home in Ohio! After just three days, Noodle began to improve. Her legs straightened, she gained weight, and she became a cheerful puppy.
The sisters were incredibly fortunate to be found by Wrenatha, an animal lover with a home full of pets who are showered with love and care. The animals in her home are visibly well-loved.
Months later, Wrenatha provided an update on Noodle and Lovey. Their lives had taken a wonderful turn. Noodle gained 15 pounds—a remarkable recovery for such an emaciated dog.
Wrenatha shares regular updates on TikTok, showcasing fun videos of the pups. Noodle, now a definite cuddle bug, loves to introduce herself and receive affection. She radiates happiness and relaxation, feeling the love surrounding her.
It’s baffling how Noodle’s first owner could neglect her so severely and attempt to cover it up. One shudder to think what could have happened if Noodle hadn’t been adopted alongside Lovey.
Noodle and Lovey now have a permanent, loving home with Wrenatha and her animal kingdom. Wrenatha exemplifies the compassionate care every dog in need deserves: a loving home, unconditional love, and all the care necessary to thrive.