
Disabled Dog’s Adventure Leads to a Heartwarming Friendship


by Emily Wolfe


I will always be mesmerized by our dogs’ extraordinary ability to forge friendships in the most unexpected circumstances.

How they manage to do it so effortlessly every time is truly astonishing and underscores just how remarkable they are.

For this owner, the big surprise came when the disabled dog met a wild fox during one of his daily adventures.

A Beautiful Friendship

a fox looking at dog

Photo Credit: We_Love_Animals

When they first met, the owner didn’t expect it to turn into anything significant. The fox was very gentle and respected boundaries.

She simply continued walking alongside the dog, who enjoyed her company. Their little forest walks were special.

fox following the dog

Photo Credit: We_Love_Animals

It was incredibly heartwarming. The sweet pup would start “talking” to his new friend, and the fox cherished having a new companion.

This routine continued for a long time, and it was heartwarming. They even went on their adventures during the winter, and the fox was always by her friend’s side.

Initially, the wild animal was cautious when approaching the pup, which was natural. However, as time went on, that changed.

She started approaching him and even walking alongside him. The dog truly enjoyed this.

An Unfortunate Turn of Events

fox sitting with dog

Photo Credit: We_Love_Animals

A few months later, the most surprising thing happened. The fox became a mom, and the dog owner was amazed to see her little cubs tagging along.

They were utterly adorable. As fate would have it, they joined their mom on her walks with the dog.

This continued for a while, and it was a heartwarming sight every time. The dog always enjoyed the companionship of his friends.

wild fox walking

Photo Credit: We_Love_Animals

Unfortunately, even though they cherished their adventures, time would change everything. The old dog passed away, leaving the owner heartbroken.

The sweet fox had no way of knowing this. She would come to the dog’s property to check on him, but he was never there.

The owner felt immense sadness seeing this and tried comforting the fox. Nonetheless, she kept returning to the same spot every day, hoping to see her best friend.

This is both heartbreaking and wholesome. On one hand, it’s hard to think that she will never see her buddy again.

On the other, it’s absolutely beautiful to see that two completely different animals can form such an incredible bond and maintain a friendship over the years.

If this shows us anything, it’s that dogs have the ability to make friends in the most unlikely situations. They are simply amazing.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!