
Chained Dog Finally Feels Love After a Stranger Steps In


by Emily Wolfe


So many dogs around the world live lives devoid of joy or purpose, merely existing rather than truly living. Their owners are satisfied with keeping them chained up, never allowing them the freedom to experience the world. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We hold the power to change these animals’ lives, helping them find the love and care they deserve.

This is the story of a dog who spent her entire life chained up until a remarkable person came along and changed her world forever.

A Life of Sadness

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Photo Credit: danielhenney

When rescuers from the Humane Society of The United States first found Juliette, she was on an abandoned farm in a foreign country, where dogs were kept for meat. Despite her grim surroundings, Juliette was overjoyed to see the rescuers, almost as if she sensed that her life was about to take a turn for the better.

After being rescued, Juliette was brought to the United States, where her story was shared on Instagram by her rescuers, in hopes of finding her a loving home.

That’s when actor Daniel Henney, who hails from Michigan, saw her story. He immediately knew that Juliette was meant to be a part of his life. Without hesitation, he took the first chance he got to meet her.

Juliette’s Gentle Spirit

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Photo Credit: danielhenney

When Henney met Juliette for the first time, he was struck by her sweet and calm nature. They met in a park, a perfect setting to let her explore and get to know her potential new dad.

Their time together was more than successful—Juliette enjoyed every moment of their park visit, and Henney was amazed at how easily she adjusted to being around new people.

When it was time to take Juliette to her new home, she couldn’t wait to see it. There, she met her new sibling, Roscoe. The two dogs bonded almost instantly, and Roscoe was thrilled to have a new sister to play and explore with.

Juliette is now living a life full of adventure, exploring incredible places like Lake Michigan with Roscoe and her new dad. Henney couldn’t be happier with how well Juliette has adjusted to her new life, and he is incredibly proud of the progress she has made.

In reflecting on Juliette’s journey, Henney emphasized the importance of getting involved in your community to help dogs like Juliette, who endure such terrible conditions. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple phone call to transform the lives of countless dogs, giving them the second chance they so desperately need.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!