Dog Names

Black Dog Names -Top Suggestions


by Emily Wolfe


Struggling to find the perfect name for your black dog? You’re not alone. Naming a pet can be surprisingly challenging. You want something unique, fitting, and a bit fun, right?

The name should reflect their personality, and let’s face it, black dogs have a certain charm and mystery that deserves a cool name. From my experience, the right name can make your bond even stronger.

I’ve had a few black dogs over the years, and each one had a name that perfectly suited their quirks and traits. Ready to dive into some creative and unique options? Let’s get started!

Best Black Dog Names (With Meanings)

Choosing the perfect black dog name: Reflects elegance and mystery seamlessly.

1. Shadow:

Embodying the essence of dark and elusive beauty.

2. Onyx:

Inspired by the precious black gemstone, symbolizing strength.

3. Midnight:

Representing the deepest hour of night, full of wonder.

4. Raven:

Evoking the majestic black bird known for its intelligence.

5. Ebony:

Classic and timeless, echoing the rich, dark wood.

6. Jet:

Sleek and fast, like the glossy black mineral.

7. Noir:

French for black, adding a touch of sophistication.

8. Coal:

Simple yet strong, reflecting the black mineral’s power.

9. Inky:

Playful and artistic, reminiscent of dark ink.

10. Licorice:

Sweet and dark, perfect for a lovable black dog.

All Time Favourite Black Dog Names

Black Dog Names For Male

Unleashing your creativity with black dog names can add a touch of mystique and charm to your new furry friend.

  1. Midnight
  2. Onyx
  3. Shadow
  4. Eclipse
  5. Jet
  6. Phantom
  7. Raven
  8. Coal
  9. Storm
  10. Obsidian
  11. Inky
  12. Sable
  13. Vesper
  14. Noir
  15. Carbon
  16. Slate
  17. Ash
  18. Smokey
  19. Cosmos
  20. Panther
  21. Licorice
  22. Mystic
  23. Galaxy
  24. Merlin
  25. Shady

Black Dog Names For Female

Finding the perfect black dog names for female pups adds an extra layer of elegance and mystery to their personalities.

  1. Luna
  2. Ember
  3. Onyxia
  4. Ravenna
  5. Velvet
  6. Noirra
  7. Eclipsea
  8. Sablette
  9. Nyx
  10. Inkwell
  11. Shadowa
  12. Stormy
  13. Zora
  14. Carbonia
  15. Midnighta
  16. Cosma
  17. Obsidiana
  18. Phantomette
  19. Silhouette
  20. Shadyra
  21. Celeste
  22. Cinders
  23. Dusk
  24. Astra
  25. Galaxia

Unique Black Dog Names

Naming your black dog with unique names enhances their distinctive personality and charm.

  1. Vortex
  2. Abyss
  3. Inkblot
  4. Nocturne
  5. Tenebris
  6. Duskfall
  7. Cinder
  8. Onyxen
  9. Zephyr
  10. Eclipse
  11. Vanta
  12. Mortis
  13. Aether
  14. Galaxy
  15. Sirius
  16. Umbra
  17. Obsidian
  18. Hades
  19. Tarmac
  20. Mystique
  21. Crowley
  22. Sable
  23. Nighthawk
  24. Tar
  25. Nightshade

Funny Black Dog Names

Adding humor to your black dog’s name can bring smiles and laughter to your daily life.

  1. Bark Vader
  2. Oreo
  3. Pudding
  4. Darth Paws
  5. Pepper
  6. Noodle
  7. Jellybean
  8. Tux
  9. Caviar
  10. Licorice
  11. Soot
  12. Coalbert
  13. Groucho Barks
  14. Espresso
  15. Bandit
  16. Inky Doodle
  17. Choco
  18. Count Barkula
  19. S’mores
  20. Zorro
  21. Muffin
  22. Truffle
  23. Batdog
  24. Fudge
  25. Shadowfax
Black Dog Names

Unique Ideas for Black Dog Names You Haven’t Thought Of

  1. Classic Yet Unique
    Think about names that have a timeless feel but aren’t overused. Names like “Inky” and “Shadow” have a classic vibe but aren’t as common as “Blackie” or “Midnight.”
  2. Inspired by Nature
    Nature offers a wealth of inspiration for unique names. Ever considered calling your black dog “Coal” or “Onyx”? These names evoke the natural beauty of their dark coats.
  3. Cultural References
    Dive into different cultures for unique names. How about “Zephyr” for a mystical touch or “Noir” for a sophisticated flair? These names can give your dog a worldly personality.
  4. Historical and Mythical Names
    Historical figures and mythical characters can inspire unique names. Names like “Hades” or “Morticia” from the Addams Family are both intriguing and fitting for a black dog.
  5. Playful and Fun
    Inject some humor and playfulness into your dog’s name. “Bark Vader” and “Count Barkula” are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face and are perfect for a fun-loving black dog.
  6. Elegant and Sophisticated
    If your dog has a regal presence, consider names that exude elegance. “Velvet” and “Silhouette” are sophisticated choices that match the grace of a black dog.
  7. Pop Culture
    Pop culture is a goldmine for unique names. “Zorro” from the famous masked hero or “Batdog” for the superhero fans out there can make your dog’s name a conversation starter.
  8. Whimsical and Creative
    Let your imagination run wild with whimsical names. “Cinders” or “Twilight” can add a touch of fantasy and wonder to your dog’s identity.
  9. Personal Favorites
    Don’t forget to consider your personal interests. Are you a coffee lover? “Espresso” could be a fun nod to your favorite drink. Love astronomy? “Cosmo” might be perfect for your celestial-themed dog.
  10. Unique Sounding Names
    Sometimes, it’s all about how the name sounds. Names like “Vesper” and “Nyx” have a unique ring to them that makes them stand out from the crowd.
Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!