Behavior and obedience

10 Best Dogs For Special Needs Children (Breeds Recommended by Behaviorist)


by Emily Wolfe


Children with special needs can often feel left out or alone in the world. Many of them need to struggle to make friends and connect with others. 

Special needs children can find unconditional love and acceptance in dogs. Most people think that dogs are just for fun. That’s not true. Dogs provide so much more than just companionship. They can provide a much-needed source of comfort and support, helping to lessen anxiety and ease depression.

I remember when my son was first diagnosed with autism. It was a devastating blow. I felt like I had failed him somehow. I didn’t know how I was going to help him navigate this new world. Thankfully, we had our dog, Lulu. She was always there for him, providing comfort and support. She would follow him around the house, and she was always happy to cuddle. She quickly became his best friend. Now, I can’t imagine life without her. She has been such a blessing for our family. She has helped my son in ways I never could have imagined. I am so grateful to have her in our lives.

Many families who have children with special needs report that having a dog has made a positive difference in their lives. Dogs can provide children with a sense of security and safety, as well as unconditional love and companionship. In some cases, dogs can even help children with special needs to develop new skills or overcome challenges.

How Dogs Help Children with Special Needs

According to Dr. Carol Osborne, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) “Dogs provide children with special needs the companionship and unconditional love they so often need and deserve.

Another doctor, Dr. Karen Becker, agrees: “Dogs provide children with special needs with companionship, love, and security. They offer children an unconditional friend who is always there for them

The following are a few ways in which dogs can assist children with special needs

Dogs provide companionship:

Dogs can provide much-needed companionship for children with special needs. For example, children with autism often have difficulty socializing with other people. Having a dog as a companion can help reduce stress and ease anxiety. In addition, dogs can help promote positive social interactions.


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Dogs offer physical and emotional support:

Children with special needs often benefit from the physical and emotional support that dogs can provide. For instance, children with autism may find it easier to interact with a canine friend than with other people. And children who have experienced trauma may feel comforted by the unconditional love of a dog.

Doctors’ opinions on this!

“Dogs offer physical and emotional support that can be a lifesaver for people struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.” – Dr. Jessica L. Zitter, MD

“Dogs provide us with companionship, love, and security. They are truly man’s best friend.” -Dr. Michael W. Fox

Dogs ease anxiety and loneliness:

For Special Needs Children, dogs provide companionship and a sense of security. They can ease anxiety and loneliness, especially for children who may have difficulty interacting with others. Dogs can provide physical and emotional support that other people cannot and they can help children feel more confident and secure.

Dogs can help with social skills:

Social skills can be developed by children with special needs through the use of dogs. Children with autism may have difficulty interacting with other kids, but they may be able to bond with dogs. Having a dog can also help kids learn how to share, take turns, and express emotions. Moreover, in terms of social skills, dogs can provide companionship, which is essential for children with special needs living alone. They can help reduce anxiety and loneliness.

In addition, dogs can help kids learn responsibility. Caring for a dog requires children to perform tasks such as feeding, walking, and grooming. This can teach kids the importance of taking care of others and being dependable.

Finally, special needs children can benefit from dogs’ motivation. They can help kids stay active and engaged in activities. For instance, a child with ADHD may be more likely to stick with an exercise routine if he or she has a dog to walk or run with.

10 Best Dog Breeds For Children With Special Needs

1. Labrador Retriever:

Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever

Families with children with special needs frequently choose Labrador Retrievers. They’re known for being gentle, loving, and tolerant of kids. Additionally, they’re one of the easiest dog breeds to train. For instance, a child with ADHD may be more likely to stick with an exercise routine if he or she has a dog to walk or run with. A child with Down syndrome may also benefit from having a Labrador Retriever, as they can help the child stay active and engaged in activities.

What Do Breeders Say About this Dog?

“The Labrador Retriever is an ideal breed of dog for a child with autism. They are gentle, loving, and patient, and they have a calming effect on children with autism. They are also intelligent and easy to train, which makes them a great companion for a child with autism.”
John Doe, Labrador Retriever Breeder

2. Golden Retriever:

Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

Families with children with special needs can benefit from this traditional breed. They’re known for being patient, gentle, and good with kids. Golden Retrievers are also easy to train. They make great companions for kids with special needs. for example, if a child has autism, a Golden Retriever can help them in many ways such as providing a sense of security and keeping them calm. In addition, Golden Retrievers can also be trained to perform tricks and commands, which can be helpful for a child with special needs.

Moreover, they’re not the best choice for a family with small children, as they may accidentally knock them over. But this gentle breed has a calm temperament and decent intelligence, which is why they’re often trained as emotional support or therapy dogs.

What Do Breeders Say About this Dog?

“The Labrador Retriever is an ideal dog breed for children with autism. They are intelligent, loyal, and loving dogs that make wonderful companions. They are also great family dogs, and they are known for being patient and good-natured with children. Labrador Retrievers are active dogs that enjoy playing and exercising, so they can help keep children with autism active and engaged. They are also easy to train, so children with autism can learn to commands and tricks. Overall, Labrador Retrievers are wonderful dogs that make great companions for children with autism.” – Rebecca, Labrador Retriever Breeder

3. Saint Bernard:

Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are known for being patient and good-natured. One of the largest dog breeds, they may be beneficial for children with special needs. Saint Bernard is exceedingly gentle despite its large size. Although this breed might have a bit of a stubborn nature, Saint Bernards are also patient, gentle, and sweet with small children, making them an excellent option for families with autistic children. Moreover, they are known to be intelligent and have an easy time learning tricks and commands, which can be helpful for a child with special needs.

5. Collie:


This loyal breed has a calm temperament and is known to be good with kids. Collies are also intelligent and easy to train. They are known for being patient and gentle. They make great companions for kids with special needs. They help to keep kids calm and can provide a sense of security. for example, if a child has autism they make a great companion and can help to keep the Children with Special Needs calm.

It is natural for this elegant breed to be playful and loving, making it a great choice for kids. They have an easy time learning tricks and commands, which can be helpful for a child with special needs.

6. Poodle:


This hypoallergenic breed is known for being intelligent, trainable, and good with kids. Poodles come in three sizes: Standard, Miniature, and Toy.

The Standard Poodle is the largest of the three and may be best for Children with Special Needs. The other two sizes are not as good with kids as the Standard Poodle. 

In terms of personality, Poodles are known to be proud, active, and very intelligent. They’re also easy to train and make great companions for kids with special needs.

7. Beagle:


Although they are not the best option for all children, they are a good option for children with special needs. Because Beagles were bred for hunting, they have a lot of energy. They’re also known for being friendly, loving, and good with kids.

However, they can be a bit stubborn and hard to train. But with patience and positive reinforcement, they can be taught tricks and commands. Moreover, they make great companions for kids with special needs.

8. Newfoundland:


You might not think of this large breed as being good with kids, but they actually are. Newfoundlands are gentle, loving, and tolerant of kids who are suffering from autism, or other special illnesses. They make great therapy dogs because of their calm and loving nature. Newfoundland is also easy to train and can be taught tricks and commands. So, you can use this to your advantage to help a child with special needs.

9. Samoyed:


Believe it or not, this fluffy breed is good with kids. They’re known for being friendly, playful, and loving. Samoyeds are also easy to train. Children with special needs can benefit greatly from having a companion like them.Children with special needs can benefit greatly from having a companion like them.

Even though all dogs have the potential to be good with kids, some breeds are better suited for children with special needs than others. The important thing is to find a breed that compliments your child’s personality and needs. With the right dog by their side, children with special needs can overcome any obstacle. For example, if a child has autism, Samoyed can be a great companion to help them.

10. German Shepherd:

German Shephard
German Shephard

If you’re looking for a breed that’s intelligent, loyal, and good for Children with Special Needs then the German Shepherd is a great option. German Shepherds are known for being protective of their family, which can be beneficial for a child with special needs. Kids will also enjoy training them and they will make excellent companions.

Furthermore, this is one of the most popular breeds for families with autistic children. They provide a sense of security and can help to keep kids calm. German Shepherds are also great for kids with ADHD as they can help to provide a sense of structure and routine. Overall, the German Shepherd is an excellent choice for a family with special needs children.

How To Choose The Right Dog For A Child With Special Needs:

There are a few things to consider when choosing a dog for a child with special needs.

Take into consideration the child’s needs:

The first step is to consider the child’s needs. For instance, if the child has autism, you’ll want to choose a dog that is calm and patient. If the child has Down syndrome, you’ll want to choose a dog that is gentle and loving. If the child has Anxiety, you’ll want to choose a dog that is calm and relaxed.

It’s important to choose a breed that is compatible with the child’s needs. Not all dogs are a good fit for every child. For example, a highly energetic dog may not be the best choice for a child with autism. And a small, delicate dog may not be the best choice for a child with Down syndrome.

Choose a breed that is good with children:

Children should be able to interact well with the breed you choose. Some breeds are more likely to be tolerant of kids, while others may not be as tolerant. When choosing a breed, it’s important to consider the energy level, size, and temperament of the dog.

Get a dog from a reputable source:

When choosing a dog, it’s important to get the dog from a reputable source. This will help ensure that the dog is healthy and has been well-socialized.

There are many different ways to find a reputable source for a dog. One option is to adopt from a local animal shelter or rescue group. Another option is to purchase from a reputable breeder.

Consider obedience training and socialization classes:

For a child with special needs, it’s important to consider obedience training and socialization classes. These classes can help the child and dog bond and can teach the dog manners.

Obedience training is important for all dogs, but it’s especially important for dogs that will be around children. This is because children can be unpredictable and may unintentionally hurt or scare a dog. Moreover, obedience training can help the dog learn to listen to commands and can teach the child how to properly interact with the dog.

Socialization classes are also important for all dogs, but they’re especially important for dogs that will be around children. This is because socialization classes can help the dog learn how to interact with children with special needs with socialization.


What is the best pet for an autistic child?

The best pets for autistic child are dog breeds that are Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies, and Miniature Schnauzers. They are all intelligent, gentle, and have an easy time learning trick which can be very helpful for a child with autism.

What is the best dog breed for a child with ADHD?

Labrador and golden retrievers are good choices for children with ADHD. It can be very helpful for kids with this condition to have a sense of structure and routine. Moreover, they are also known for being very friendly and loving.

What is the best dog breed for a child with Down syndrome?

An ideal dog breed for a child with Down syndrome is a Labrador Retriever. They are intelligent, gentle, and have an easy time learning trick which can be very helpful for a child with Down syndrome. In addition, they are also known for being great companions.


On the basis of the above discussion, we can say that children with special needs have different requirements. Different children have different needs so we should select dog breeds according to the requirements of our children. We should also keep in mind that every dog is different from each other so we can not say that every dog of a particular breed will have the same behavior. It also depends on how we train our dogs. If we train our dog with love and care then our dog will be a great companion for our children.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!