It’s a wild world out there, especially when you start looking at animals beginning with ‘B’. Ever been baffled by the sheer variety? From the majestic Bengal tiger to the humble bumblebee, it’s a real alphabet zoo. I remember once, watching a baboon’s antics, thinking how bizarre and brilliant nature is.
These creatures, big and small, bring a kaleidoscope of life right to our doorstep. It’s like each one tells a unique story, some as old as time, others fresh and unfolding.
List Of Animals That Start With B
- Baboon
- Badger
- Bandicoot
- Barracuda
- Basilisk
- Bat
- Beagle
- Bear
- Beaver
- Bee
- Beetle
- Beluga Whale
- Bengal Tiger
- Binturong
- Bison
- Blackbird
- Black Panther
- Black Widow Spider
- Blue Jay
- Blue Whale
- Boa Constrictor
- Bobcat
- Bonobo
- Booby (Bird)
- Bowerbird
- Boxer (Dog)
- Buffalo
- Bullfrog
- Bushbaby
- Butterfly
Animals That Start With B (Fun Facts & Species Details)
1. Baboon

Fun Fact: Baboons are incredibly social creatures, known for their complex hierarchies and communication skills, which include a variety of vocalizations, body postures, and facial expressions.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Papio |
Origin | Africa and Arabia |
Family | Cercopithecidae |
2. Badger

Fun Fact: Badgers are known for their ferocity and strength, capable of fighting off much larger animals like wolves and bears.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Meles meles |
Origin | Europe and Asia |
Family | Mustelidae |
3. Bandicoot

Fun Fact: Unlike many other small mammals, bandicoots have a short gestation period, with some species giving birth just 12 days after conception.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Peramelemorphia |
Origin | Australia and New Guinea |
Family | Peramelidae |
4. Barracuda

Fun Fact: Barracudas are known for their fearsome appearance and are formidable hunters, capable of reaching speeds of up to 27 mph in short bursts.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Sphyraena |
Origin | Worldwide in warm seas |
Family | Sphyraenidae |
5. Basilisk

Fun Fact: The basilisk lizard is famously known as the ‘Jesus Christ lizard’ for its ability to run on the surface of water.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Basiliscus |
Origin | Central and South America |
Family | Corytophanidae |
6. Bat

Fun Fact: Bats are the only mammals capable of sustained flight, and they play crucial roles in pollination and insect control.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Chiroptera |
Origin | Worldwide |
Family | Varies (many families) |
7. Beagle

Fun Fact: Beagles have an extraordinary sense of smell and are often used as detection dogs in airports.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Canis lupus familiaris |
Origin | England |
Family | Canidae |
8. Bear

Fun Fact: Bears have an excellent sense of smell, surpassing even that of dogs, and can detect food from miles away.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Ursidae |
Origin | Worldwide, except Africa |
Family | Ursidae |
9. Beaver

Fun Fact: Beavers are nature’s engineers, capable of drastically altering their environment by building dams and creating wetlands.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Castor |
Origin | North America, Europe |
Family | Castoridae |
10. Bee

Fun Fact: Bees are vital for pollination, and it’s estimated that one-third of the human food supply depends on insect pollination, mostly by bees.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Anthophila |
Origin | Worldwide |
Family | Apidae |
11. Beetle
Fun Fact: Beetles are one of the most diverse groups of insects on Earth, with over 350,000 known species.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Coleoptera |
Origin | Worldwide |
Family | Varies (many families) |
12. Beluga Whale
Fun Fact: Beluga whales are known for their distinctive white color and their ability to make facial expressions due to their flexible facial muscles.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Delphinapterus leucas |
Origin | Arctic and sub-Arctic |
Family | Monodontidae |
13. Bengal Tiger
Fun Fact: The Bengal tiger is the most numerous tiger subspecies, and it’s known for its powerful physique and beautiful, striking stripes.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Panthera tigris tigris |
Origin | Indian subcontinent |
Family | Felidae |
14. Binturong
Fun Fact: Binturongs, also known as bear cats, have a prehensile tail, which is almost as long as their body and acts like a fifth limb.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Arctictis binturong |
Origin | Southeast Asia |
Family | Viverridae |
15. Bison
Fun Fact: Bison are the largest mammals in North America, and their herds play an important ecological role in the grasslands.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Bison bison |
Origin | North America |
Family | Bovidae |
16. Blackbird
Fun Fact: The common blackbird is known for its melodious song, which is often a sign of the arrival of spring.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Turdus merula |
Origin | Europe and Asia |
Family | Turdidae |
17. Black Panther
Fun Fact: The term ‘black panther’ refers to any melanistic (black) big cat species, but most commonly leopards and jaguars.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Panthera pardus (leopard), Panthera onca (jaguar) |
Origin | Africa, Asia (leopard), Americas (jaguar) |
Family | Felidae |
18. Black Widow Spider
Fun Fact: Black widow spiders are known for their potent venom, which is considered particularly dangerous due to its neurotoxic nature.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Latrodectus |
Origin | Worldwide |
Family | Theridiidae |
19. Blue Jay
Fun Fact: Blue jays are known for their intelligence and complex social systems, as well as their striking blue plumage.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Cyanocitta cristata |
Origin | North America |
Family | Corvidae |
20. Blue Whale
Fun Fact: The blue whale is the largest animal ever known to have existed, reaching lengths of up to 100 feet and weights of over 200 tons.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Balaenoptera musculus |
Origin | Worldwide in all oceans |
Family | Balaenopteridae |
21. Boa Constrictor
Fun Fact: Boa constrictors are non-venomous snakes known for their method of subduing prey by coiling around it and squeezing tightly.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Boa constrictor |
Origin | Americas |
Family | Boidae |
22. Bobcat
Fun Fact: Bobcats are highly adaptable predators, named for their short, “bobbed” tail, and are known for their elusive nature.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Lynx rufus |
Origin | North America |
Family | Felidae |
23. Bonobo
Fun Fact: Bonobos are known for their highly social behavior and are one of the closest living relatives to humans, sharing over 98% of our DNA.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Pan paniscus |
Origin | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Family | Hominidae |
24. Booby (Bird)
Fun Fact: Boobies are seabirds known for their distinctive mating dances and their clumsy waddle on land, despite being excellent divers.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Sula |
Origin | Tropical and subtropical oceans |
Family | Sulidae |
25. Bowerbird
Fun Fact: Male bowerbirds are famous for their unique courtship behavior, where they build elaborate structures, decorated with brightly colored objects, to attract mates.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Ptilonorhynchidae |
Origin | Australia, New Guinea |
Family | Ptilonorhynchidae |
26. Boxer (Dog)
Fun Fact: Boxers are a playful and energetic breed, known for their muscular build and distinctive “boxer” stance when they play.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Canis lupus familiaris |
Origin | Germany |
Family | Canidae |
27. Buffalo
Fun Fact: Buffaloes are known for their importance in many cultures and are used for plowing fields and other agricultural tasks in various parts of the world.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Bubalus bubalis (Water Buffalo), Bison bison (American Buffalo) |
Origin | Asia (Water Buffalo), North America (American Buffalo) |
Family | Bovidae |
28. Bullfrog
Fun Fact: Bullfrogs are known for their loud calls, which resemble the bellowing of a bull, and they are one of the largest frog species in North America.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Lithobates catesbeianus |
Origin | Eastern North America |
Family | Ranidae |
29. Bushbaby
Fun Fact: Bushbabies, or galagos, are small, nocturnal primates known for their large eyes and powerful hind legs, enabling them to leap great distances.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Galagidae |
Origin | Africa |
Family | Galagidae |
30. Butterfly
Fun Fact: Butterflies have a remarkable life cycle, undergoing a complete metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a beautiful winged adult.
Detail | Information |
Scientific Name | Lepidoptera |
Origin | Worldwide |
Family | Varies (many families) |