
Abandoned Dog Hides in Pipes Hoping for Rescue


by Emily Wolfe


When Red lived with his owner, his life was mostly content. He had all he needed and was naturally loyal to his human dad. But while Red’s faithfulness was unwavering, his owner didn’t reciprocate. One heartbreaking day, Red was left on the streets, and his world turned upside down.

It was a nightmare. Though the neighbors loved Red and missed seeing him, his owner concocted excuses about the dog’s disappearance.

Five years later, a woman stumbled upon Red, recognizing him instantly. Red had survived alone, hiding under metal pipes. It was a heart-wrenching sight, and she quickly called for help.

Help Is On The Way

dog hiding

Photo Credit: animalshelter123

The rescuers arrived swiftly. They found Red, who was a mix of happiness and fear. He didn’t know if these people meant harm or help, but he desperately needed assistance. Overcome by fear, he continued hiding until the rescuer sought help from the locals, who gladly assisted.

With their help, Red emerged from his hiding place without resistance. He seemed to understand their good intentions. As he was transported to safety, his tail wagged, and his rescuer gave him much-needed food.

The woman who found him remembered how Red loved playing with children in the neighborhood. It was heartbreaking to see what had happened to him. But now, a better life awaited him, albeit with its challenges.

Red’s Difficult Healing Journey

photo of abandoned dog

Photo Credit: animalshelter123

Red had suffered immensely during his five-year ordeal. He ended up paralyzed, and veterinarians couldn’t pinpoint the exact cause. Diagnosed with discitis and severe vertebral infections, his chances of recovery were uncertain. The vets knew they needed a specialist, so they found one who took on Red’s case despite the grim outlook.

The new vet confirmed the severity of Red’s spine infection and couldn’t promise recovery. Nevertheless, they focused on therapy, providing fluids, antibiotics, and plenty of food.

Years of suffering had left Red traumatized. He was stressed around crowds, unsure whom to trust. Yet, with patient care, he began to heal both physically and mentally.

He Can Finally Relax

scared rescued dog

Photo Credit: animalshelter123

Two months later, Red made a remarkable recovery. Though wobbly, he could walk with his hind legs. He felt safe inside the shelter, hesitant to venture outside, fearing abandonment again. But his rescuers assured him he was now safe.

photo of rescued dog lying

Photo Credit: animalshelter123

After a few more months, Red was discharged from the clinic. His rescuer took him on a joyous trip, filling him with happiness. The shelter provided a cozy spot for him to rest until they found him a forever home.

Though he still needs medication, Red has transformed from a forsaken, paralyzed dog into a sweet, lovable pup, eager for a special someone to share his life with. Here’s hoping Red finds that perfect forever home.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!