Training Tips

How to Walk a Puppy for the First Time


by Emily Wolfe


Puppies are so adorable, but walking them for the first time can be a little daunting. If you’re a new dog owner, the thought of walking your puppy for the first time may be intimidating. But with a little preparation and patience, it can be a fun experience for both you and your pup.

Not only is it important for your puppy’s health to get regular walks, but also walking your puppy is a great way to bond and create a strong relationship.

Walking a puppy is important for their development and they relieve themselves, but it can be tough to know how to get started.

In this article, we’ll outline the basics of how to walk a puppy for the first time and the tips to make the experience easier for both of you so you’ll have your pup walking like a pro in no time. So let’s get started!

What should every new puppy owner know about walking their pup for the first time?

Before you even start walking your puppy, there are a few things you should do to prepare:

1. Get the right supplies:

You’ll need a good collar or harness that fits your puppy snugly (but not too tight) and a 4-6 foot leash. Avoid using a retractable leash for walks, as it can be confusing for puppies.

2. Leash Trained:

Leash training the puppy

Make sure your puppy is properly leash trained. This means they should be comfortable wearing a leash and collar and be used to being around people. 

3. Choose the right time:

 You’ll want to walk your puppy when they’ve had a chance to use the bathroom and have some energy to burn off. Avoid walking them right after they eat or drink, as this can increase the chances of them getting an upset stomach.

4. Start with short walks:

 At first, keep your puppy’s walks short so they don’t get too tired. You can gradually increase the length of the walks as they get older and have more stamina.

5. Be prepared to stop often:

puppy on a walk

Puppies have a lot of energy, but they also get tired quickly. Be prepared to stop and take breaks often so your pup can rest.

6. Know Energy level:

It’s important to know your puppy’s energy level. Some puppies have boundless energy and will need a long walk, The walk around the block may be enough for some people, while others may not be able to handle it at all. Be sure to start with a short walk and gradually increase the length as your puppy gets more comfortable walking.

 7. Reward good behavior:

Good behavior during leashing a dog

Whenever your puppy walks nicely on a leash, be sure to give them lots of praise and treats. This will help reinforce good behavior and make walking more enjoyable for both of you.

What you’ll need before you start walking your puppy?

In order to walk your puppy, you’ll need a few items:

  1. A collar or harness:

A collar is the most essential piece of equipment for walking your puppy. It’s important to find a comfortable collar that fits snugly but isn’t too tight. You’ll also want to make sure the collar has an ID tag with your contact information in case your puppy gets lost.

  1. A leash:

You’ll need a leash that’s the right length for your puppy. A 6-foot leash is a good option for most puppies.

  1. Puppy treats:

 The first time you walk your pup, puppy treats are a great motivator. Walking will be associated with something positive if you have a few treats on hand.

  1. A patient attitude:

‘Taking a puppy for its first walk can be frustrating, so it’s important to have patience and keep a good attitude.

  1. Time: 

Walking your puppy takes time and patience, so make sure you have both before you start.

Step-by-step instructions on how to walk your puppy safely

Assuming you’re starting from scratch with a puppy that has never been walked before, here is a rough guideline for taking your puppy on its first walk:

1. Get the right gear: You’ll need a collar or harness that fits snugly, but not too tight, around your puppy’s chest and a leash that is appropriate for their size. If your puppy is small, you might want to consider using a harness with a leash attachment on the back rather than the front to avoid hurting their delicate neck and throat area.

2. Find a quiet place to start: Walking in a crowded area with lots of people and dogs can be overwhelming for your puppy. Try starting in a quiet spot like your backyard or a nearby park. This will allow your puppy to get used to the feel of the leash and collar without being distracted by too many stimuli.

3. Let your puppy get used to the collar or harness: Put the collar or harness on your puppy and let them wear it around the house for a little while so they can get used to it. Make sure to praise them and give them treats while they’re wearing it so they associate it with something positive.

4. Encourage the puppy to follow you: When you’re ready to go for a walk, pick up the leash and encourage your puppy to follow you. If they seem hesitant, try offering them a treat or toy as motivation.

5. Start with a short walk: Once you’re both ready, head out for a short walk around the block or in your neighborhood. Let your puppy lead the way and go at its pace. If they stop to smell something, that’s okay! Just be patient and wait for them to move on.

6. Positive experience: If your puppy starts to pull on the leash or seems uncomfortable, turn around and go back the way you came. The goal is to make walking a positive experience for both of you, so take things at your puppy’s pace.

7. Reward your puppy: When you get back home, be sure to give your puppy lots of praise and treats. This will help them associate walking with something positive and make them more likely to want to do it again.

With time and patience, walking your puppy will become a breeze. Soon enough, you’ll be able to enjoy long walks together and explore all kinds of new places.

Tips for walking your puppy the first time

1.  Walk around the block for a few minutes. A good rule of thumb is to start with a walk that is no longer than half an hour. This will give your puppy the chance to get used to walking on a leash without getting too tired. A good rule of thumb is to start with a walk that is no longer than half an hour. This will give your puppy the chance to get used to walking on a leash without getting too tired.

2. Be prepared for lots of stops and starts. Puppies are easily distracted and will want to sniff everything! Be patient and let them take their time.

3. Reward your puppy for walking nicely on a leash. You will both enjoy walking more if you reinforce good behavior with this.

4. Avoid crowded areas or places with lots of traffic. Stick to quiet neighborhoods or parks where your puppy can feel relaxed and safe.

5. Be mindful of the weather. Puppies can get tired quickly in hot weather, so be sure to take breaks often and have plenty of water on hand. In cold weather, dress your puppy in a warm coat and booties to protect its paws from the elements.

6. Keep an eye out for signs of fatigue. If your puppy starts slowing down or seems to be losing interest in the walk, it’s time to head home.

7. Most importantly, have fun! Walking your puppy should be a pleasant experience for both of you. Enjoy spending time together and bonding as you explore your neighborhood.


To conclude, It is a fun and exciting experience to walk a puppy for the first time, but it’s important to remember a few key things to make sure both you and your pup stay safe. Remember to be patient and keep things positive. Reward good behavior with treats and lots of praise, and before you know it, both of you will be experts at walking together.

We hope that this guide has been helpful for you in learning how to walk your puppy. Remember to always be calm and positive with your new furry friend. Have you tried walking your pup? What tips do you have to share? Let us know in the comments below!


How far can a 12-week-old puppy walk?

A 12-week-old puppy can probably walk for about 15-20 minutes at a time before needing a break. If your puppy is getting tired, make sure to give him a break and some water so he doesn’t overdo it and hurt himself.

How often should I take my puppy for walks?

As often as possible! Puppies need a lot of exercises, and the more you can give them the better. If you can’t take them out for a walk every day, try to at least get them out for a good run or play session in the backyard a few times a week.

How do I walk my new puppy?

It depends on your puppy’s individual personality and energy level, as well as your own preferences. However, a good general rule of thumb is to start with shorter walks (around 15-20 minutes) and gradually increase the length of time as your puppy gets older and more accustomed to walking.

Do puppies get easier when they can go for walks?

Puppies certainly get easier to manage when they can go on walks since this helps them release energy and stay better behaved. However, every puppy is different and some may never be truly easy to handle no matter how much exercise they get.

Emily Wolfe

Emily is a lifelong animal lover and the founder of PETS CRAZIES. She started this blog after realizing the great need for quality pet information on the internet. Emily has two dogs, a cat, and two rabbits of her own.

She has a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University and is a professional writer specializing in the pet industry. Learn More About Our Team!